Executive Board

Contact your Full Executive Board
Position Contact Term Length

Stephanie Suerth
Debbie Tomalis

Vice President for Elementary Schools Gabby Rosenblum 2023-2026
Vice President for Middle Schools Kelly Good 2024-2027
Treasurer Jim Hayward 2024-2027
Secretary Kelly Raad 2024-2027
Ethnic Minority Representative Rebecca Meilinger 2023-2025
Ethnic Minority Representative Charlee Moss 2024-2026
Member at Large Jenny Raia 2024-2026
Member at Large Kara Sakellaris 2023-2025
Region 46 Representative Jim Hayward 2023-2025
Region 46 Representative Aaron Jerkatis 2023-2025
Region 46 Representative Debbie Tomalis 2024-2026
Region 46 Representative Stephanie Suerth 2024-2026
Appointed Minority Caucaus Rep


Membership Chair Debbie Tomalis 2023-2026
Legislative Chair TBD 2023-2026
Grievance Chair TBD 2023-2026
Communications Chair Stephanie Suerth 2023-2026

Be Alert, Be Informed,

Be Engaged, Become Involved

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Oak Park Teachers Association Managed by the Communications Committee
