Register with NEA
As an IEA Member you have access to some amazing benefits through NEA. Register here to gain access to savings on auto, shopping, travel, and many more.
Register with IEA
The Discounts & Deals program combines the power of more than 500 world-class brands with the advantage of local merchants in communities throughout Illinois and the USA. With a collection of more than 300,000 discount providers, the program offers unparalleled value of up to 50 percent off at the places you shop every day in categories like: Dining, shopping, hotel and travel, car rental, movies and entertainment, outdoor recreation, home and garden, health and beauty, and auto service.
The Illinois Education Association announces the availability of grant funds. All IEA members are encouraged to apply. Grants for up to $1,000 are available for IEA members and their local associations to collaborate and create opportunities for community service or school projects.
IEA Learning Portal
The Illinois Education Association strives to offer you free, high-quality online professional development that fits your needs and is available on-demand to fit your changing schedule. Earn PD Clock Hours on demand with the IEA Learning Portal, view upcoming in-person trainings and several other opportunities.
IL Virtual Instructional Coach Program
The Illinois State Board of Education partnered with the Illinois Education Association and the Illinois Federation of Teachers to pair first-, second-, and third-year teachers and clinicians with mentors in their building and virtual instructional coaches to help guide them through these unique years of teaching.
Leaders for Just Schools
The IEA and the Opportunity Coalition are pleased to announce the Leaders for Just Schools cohorts for the upcoming school year. The instructors are state and local leaders, award winning educators and experienced community organizers who will help you build momentum for change in your local schools and communities.
Degrees Not Debt
The National Education Association recognizes the burden student loans debt is putting on public educators and developed a campaign called “Degrees Not Debt.” This campaign is intended to inform student loan borrowers of their rights and options in the repayment process.